What is Yoga?

What is Yoga?

Yoga is the oldest and most precious heritage of the Indian culture.  It is universally accepted   as a system of philosophical thought, practical discipline and a means to Self-Realization.  Therefore, Yoga is the perpetual source of intuitive knowledge, culminating in the direct experience of the Self (unity) amidst seeming plurality.

The hallmark of a Yogi is to withdraw into oneself – like a caterpillar that encloses itself in a cocoon to later emerge as a perfected butterfly.  Yoga is an accepted gateway to transcendental knowledge. It helps one intuit that, there is some law of nature operating behind the scenes that prompts the mind to withdraw into itself in order to attain perfection.

“…adhyātmayogādhigamena devaṃ matvā dhīro harṣaśokau jahāti 2.12 Katha Upaniad

“The intelligent man, having known the Effulgent One by means of Adhyatma Yoga (meditation on  the  inner  self), abandons both  joy and sorrow.”
The same thought is said in another upanishad:

“te dhyānayogānugatā apaśyan devātmaśaktiṃ svaguṇairnigūḍhām …” 1.3 Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad

“The Rishis (seers) absorbed in Dhyana Yoga (the yoga of meditation realized theSoul Power of theSupreme concealed by the gunas (qualities).”

The concluding Dhyana Shloka of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita describes the Absolute saying:

“dhyānāvasthita tadgatēna manasā paśyanti yaṁ yōginah” – B.G.

“Whom the Yogis behold with their minds engrossed in THAT, through meditation.”
Every chapter in the Bhagavad Gita is termed “yoga” and the entire Gita is designated as Yoga Shastra (codes for living). This speaks volumes for the unrivalled position that Yoga has, among the many paths to achieve Self Realization.

Yogic perfection is God Realization or Self Realization. It is recognizing the fact that, although apparently cast from different molds, we are all made of the same-the Mighty Being pervades us all.    We must realize Him because we are His manifestations. “If Thou art wise, recognize thyself.” That is the way of knowing Him.

In religious philosophies, the Reality has been referred to as the Supreme Lord, Chit Shakti, Sadashiva, Parama Shiva and Kundalini. One need not abandon hearth and home in search of Reality. The Yogi’s attainment lies in discovering the Self within. The Yoga Krama (methodology) should suit the temperament, mood and traditional base of the seeker.

The word “yoga” comes from the root word (dhatu) “yuj”. According to Panini, the term yoga can be derived from either of two roots, “yujir yoge” and “yujir samadhau”.  “Yujir yoge” means ‘union’ or ‘bringing together’. The second root “yujir samadhau”, gives the meaning of ‘contemplation’ or ‘absorption’. Yoga is the goal and the means, the process to reach the goal.

He who has dissolved his lower self into the Higher Self, or his individual consciousness into Universal Consciousness, is a “Yogi.” A Yogi is Jivanmukta (a liberated soul), such as Lord Dattatreya. The Yogi is deemed superior to ascetics, to men of knowledge and to ritualists.

What is the pre-requisite for having recourse to spiritual action (yoga)? The highest purpose of life is Yoga.  A prerequisite for success on the path of Yoga is the unified effort of all energies at one’s command.   A thousand checks and restraints, self-abnegation, righteous conduct, perseverance, penance, endurance and exemplary control of one’s sense organs all serve to help a student aspirant (sadhaka) reach the yogic state. This state is achieved through the constant practice of concentration and meditation. Therefore, patience and perseverance are employed for attainment of Yoga, which results in a total change in perspective.  With continued yogic   practice, one   will discover the immanence and transcendence of Shiva-Shakti.

Execution of duties prescribed in the Dharma Sutras brings about necessary perfection of the mind tending towards spiritual absorption. According to one’s mental makeup, a person acquires deep concentration powers and attainments in a particular   field of activity.

The master of Mind is like a king. The king can move freely throughout his kingdom with ordinary men, but an ordinary man cannot enter the king’s palace. Similarly, the one-pointed mind of a great Yogi can travel through all planes. The purpose of Kriya Yoga is to minimize afflictions of body and mind and improve single-pointed concentration. The afflictions are arrested in their seed form.

“samādhibhāvanārthaḥ kleśatanūkaraṇārthaśca” 2.2 P.Y.S

“Kriya Yoga is for minimizing afflictions and achieving spiritual absorption…”

Kriya Yoga, as Maharshi Patanjali advocates, is the surest and most efficient means of Self Realization.

Datta Kriya Yoga is both a science of meditation and a skillful way of living. It is essential to all the seekers of yoga to improve their health and develop their pranic energy. The macro energy is present in the form of zodiac signs in the universe.  Individual beings are the micro elements of that macro energy (chaitanya), the energies of the zodiac signs are also existing in the human body. By identifying and practicing with specific zodiac sign mudras the seekers   will get health benefits.  Surya   Namaskaras are prescribed as an ancient yogic practice and followed by the yogis. Enormous energy is bestowed in the sunrise and sunset light.   By practicing the Sun Salutations one can purify themselves mentally, spiritually and physically. May all derive the benefit of these practices.  Jaya Guru Datta.

-Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji