Datta Kriya Yoga Teacher & Yoga Wellness Instructor (YCB – Level 2)
Get Certified by Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India
Certification Name Datta Kriya Yoga Teacher & Yoga Wellness Instructor (YCB – Level 2)
Examination Date 12th December 2024 (Thursday)
Online Training Dates 1st to 3oth November 2024
in person Training Dates 7th to 11th December, 2024 (all days in person attendance is mandatory)
in person Training venue Datta Kriya Yoga International centre, Mysuru
Course coordinator  Dr. M. V. Shiva Prakash, Principal
Examination fees Rs2000/-
Coupon Code YWI1212
Medium of instruction English/Kannada/Telugu
Mode of Examination In Person only

Last date of enrolment is 30th October, 2024 (Wednesday)

Date of Examination is 12th December, 2024 (Thursday)

How is it useful to participants?

  1. Certificate will be awarded upon Successful completion of the Examination process.
  2. Certificate will be useful to conduct activities with utmost authenticity.
  3. Yoga Wellness Instructor can teach Yoga for prevention of illness and promotion of wellness in schools, Yoga studios, work places etc.

How to participate in the Examination?

  1. Theory(60 Marks) and Practical(140 Marks) examination will be conducted in person only.
  2. Pass percentage is 70% in theory and 70% in practical exams. Pass in both is compulsory.

What is the Syllabus?

Download the syllabus of Datta Kriya Yoga with the link below

Click and view the syllabus

Download the syllabus of Yoga Wellness Instructor – Level 2 with the link below

Click and view the syllabus

What is the eligibility criteria?

-Basic theory and practical knowledge of yoga is required.
-Should have attended at least TWO (2) Datta Kriya Yoga Workshops/Special Sessions or Any Datta Kriya Yoga Sessions taught
 by His Holiness Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji.

What is the registration Procedure?

Step 1 : Enroll with this link https://yogacertificationboard.nic.in/mis/Registration/yp_registration

Step 2 : Complete the enrollment by paying at the end of the enrollment procedure.

Step 3 : Pay the Examination Fee of Rs2000/- with this link https://rzp.io/l/apsdeB6P

  • For any queries contact 94404 87108 / 84959 89444 (Call / Whatsapp)