
Mudras are basically signs with the hands and fingers and particularly finger tips, which are the centers of nerve endings. They enhance the interaction between the psychic, subtle and physical aspects of the body. From time immemorial yogis had the intricate knowledge of finger tips and their relationship with the energies of five elements and five Pranas. Today the modern science has widely acknowledged that acupressure, if appropriately applied on the finger tips, may cure certain diseases.

The mudras channel the subtle pranic energies to particular subtle centers, or chakras (Mooladhaara, swadhishtaana, manipooraka, anaahatha, vishuddha and Ajna). This activates and energizes the chakras, which in turn transmit the energy to corresponding parts of the body. Energy radiating from the chakras churns the five pranic energies (Prana, Apaana, Vyaana, Samaana, and Udaana) and thereby purifies associated organs. The result is perfect synchronization of the five elemental energies. This flow of energy from the chakras through the subtle nerves purges all the diseases causing either patches in the corresponding part of the body and helps for the good health.