Benefits of Yoga

His Holiness Dr. Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji
Founder and Pontiff of Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysuru, India

The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit word “yuj” which means “union.”  It is thejeevatma (individual soul) uniting with the Sachchidananda Swaroopa Paramatma (Universal Soul).  He who unites the chitta (individual microcosmic energy) with the vishwa chaitanya(macrocosmic energy) is called a Yogi.  “Samadhi bhavanarthah klesha tanu karanarthascha” is the sutra (teaching) of sage Patanjali.  This quote implies that Kriya Yoga reduces the kleshas (afflictions of dualities), such as pleasure/pain, happiness/sorrow, gain/loss, victory/defeat, achievement/failure, etc.  Kriya Yoga also helps to attain the state of bliss.  This state can be more easily attained by a practicant of Kriya Yoga than by either the knowledgeable ones who do only karma (service above self) or those who do only penance. To attain the supernormal accomplishment (siddhi), one should have a superlative practice and tremendous concentration.  Kriya Yoga is the path prescribed by His Holiness Sri Sri Sri Ganapati Sachchidananda Swamiji, who has attained siddhi in Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga and SriVidya. With the proper practice of Kriya Yoga, the mind becomes void of thoughts, which enhances concentration levels.  A silenced mind will unite with the atman (Self), resulting in the state of bliss. “Kriya” means “action” (physical and/or mental) and “yoga” is union of the individual self with the Universal Self.  Thus, Kriya Yoga is the mental process of channelling the Praana (life force) energy to attain this union.  The entire course of actions—beginning at the point of material action and ending with spiritual absorption—is Kriya Yoga. The Kriya Yoga practice starts with pranayama (Praana + Aayama).  Praana means “the energy that constantly moves.”  Prana is the vital energy force—the essence of life—that permeates the entire creation (both macrocosmic and microcosmic). “Aayaama” is the Length/ Unit. In result, it is the wilful control of one’s breath.  Controlling one’s inhalation and exhalation enables one to control this Praana energy and also one’s mind. Kriya Yoga involves a series of techniques that expand the dimensions of Praana (vital energy force). For example, with every action in thought or deed, the breath pattern changes.  Without this change in breath, the action cannot be fulfilled. This change starts the instant the thought of the activity enters the mind. While swimming, running, walking or sleeping, the rhythm of the breath and rate of airflow varies in every person.  Thus, it can be understood that there is a direct correlation between thought, breath and action.  With proper control of one’s breath, one can control vital energy (Praana), thought energy (the mind) and physical energy (the body).The purpose of Kriya Yoga is to minimize bodily and mental afflictions and to improve single-pointed concentration.  It is a science of meditation and an art of successful living. The eight components of the yoga are supplemented with Maanasika Kriya (thought forces) in Kriya Yoga.
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