Datta Kriya Yoga

Datta Kriya Yoga is a Science of breath and meditation that strengthens mind and body through the practice of controlled breathing. It is a holistic approach to create well-being of the body, mind and spirit. Focused yogic breathing quietens the mind and directs the flow of vital energy (prana) through our entire body. Prana is the vital life force that sustains and awakens our subtle energy system. Once it is activated, we can enjoy its practical and psychic benefits to the body, mind and spirit.

Since time immemorial Lord Dattatreya is considered to be the propounder of yoga. Hence the title Datta Kriya Yoga has been appropriately introduced. It emcompasses Astanga Yoga (Raja Yoga), Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga etc. Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji is a living exponent of Datta Kriya Yoga in the lineage of Adi Sadguru Dattatreya. He teaches Seekers in East and West in Datta Kriya Yoga classes in a practical manner out of his own experience. Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji has in depth understanding of Maha Kundalini Yoga. He invokes and draws inspiration from his own mother and Guru, Sri Jayalakshmi Mata, a saintly person, who was a master of Raja Yoga and Sri Vidya. Her energy has a profound effect on Sri Ganapathy Saccidananda Swamiji by descent (Saktipat). Inborn accomplishments, play of energies are significant characteristics of a Yoga Guru.

The ancient yogis believed that a life span is measured in breaths, Science has confirmed, that the more quickly we breath, the shorter is our life span. Rapid respiratory rate leads to shallow breathing and poor health. Datta Kriya Yoga presents a format that can be easily practised by anyone regardless of their physical condition or lifestyle circumstances. It is easy to learn and can be worked into any schedule. All that is required is a desire to learn and consistent effort to practise.

What does the practise involve?

In Datta Kriya Yoga, mental focus is placed on breath work. We concentrate on specific techniques called Pranayama which regulates inhalation, exhalation and retention of breath.

Every pranayama is followed by a specific supplementary kriya (actions) which purifies the mind.

Pranayamas are practised with specific mudras which channelize the vital energy in the respective areas of the body.

It also involves Nadi Shuddhi (subtle nerves purification techniques) which are specific to Datta Kriya Yoga and suits all the age groups.

Components of Datta Kriya Yoga:

  • Nadi Shuddhi Vyayama (Subtle Yogic Exercises)
  • Asanas (Yogic Postures)
  • Pranayama (Breathing ‘exercises’)
  • Mudras (Yogic gestures)
  • Dhyana (Meditation)

What are some of the benefits?

  • Improves physical Strength
  • Improves Body Flexibility
  • Regulates Blood Pressure & Diabetes
  • Blood Purification
  • De-stress & Detoxification
  • Balances Body & Mind
  • Improves Concentration
  • Improves Work Efficiency
  • Improves Will Power

Daily Practise of Datta Kriya Yoga will lead to Joyful and blissful life.

Parama Pujya Sri Swamiji has precisely chosen this specific combination of mental and pranic techniques, yoga asanas to correct the imbalances due to our modern lifestyles (food, environment and thinking) and promotes the concept of Unity in Diversity. He has been teaching Datta Kriya Yoga for many decades to all the seekers around the world.

Classes and workshops are organized for health and educational groups, business community, professional organizations and private groups.

The practise of Datta Kriya Yoga is independent of any religious preference. Yoga is a spiritual science that complements and supports all beliefs. Yoga enhances the mind/body coordination with awareness and conscious intention. It deepens our understanding and connection with our inner-selves and the world around us. This in turn benefits and serves the humanity.

“Although Yoga is beneficial to health, it does not end there. By conferring the power to control the mind, Yoga certainly shows the way to reach higher realms of truth. There may be innumerable spiritual paths, but all paths employ yoga in one form or the other to reach the ultimate goal.