Datta Kriya Yoga International Centre is accredited as "Yoga Training Center" by Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. Certificate No.: YCB/20/YC/000019

Datta Kriya Yoga is a Science of breath and meditation that strengthens the mind and body through the practice of controlled breathing. This holistic approach promotes the well-being of the...

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Asanas are postures for Kriya Yoga and are the third limb of Ashtanga Yoga.  These postures can be adopted while sitting, lying down, or even standing. Sitting   postures are predominantly used during pranayama practice.

Asanas are to be regularly practiced until one attains higher states in yoga. It is a method of conditioning the body and mind.  One should choose the asana(s) that permits sitting for long durations. Also, select a comfortable place   where   there   will   be minimal   interruptions and distractions. It is also most beneficial to have a supply of   fresh air.

Your clothing should be loose and comfortable, and preferably made of a natural fiber, such as cotton.   For...


The inhalation and exhalation process is breathing.  Inhalation  can be described  as an  active  positive  breath  and  exhalation  is a negative  (in polarity  breath). In between these two, there is a process called retention (Kumbhaka). It is called the transcendence of duality. Inhalation is called Pooraka   and exhalation   is called Rechaka. In normal   breath, eitherinhalation isstrong and exhalation is week or vice versa. Due to pranayama, in pooraka the intake of air is slow, guided and controlled. Generally, it is either the same length as rechaka or twice the time of rechaka. This helps for the conscious control over the relaxation response.  This can be achieved by improved breathing.

Improved control of the process of pooraka and rechaka means a more conscious and efficient absorption of...


Mudras are basically signs with the hands and fingers and particularly finger tips, which are the centers of nerve endings. They enhance the interaction between the psychic, subtle and physical aspects of the body. From time immemorial yogis had the intricate knowledge of finger tips and their relationship with the energies of five elements and five Pranas. Today the modern science has widely acknowledged that acupressure, if appropriately applied on the finger tips, may cure certain diseases.

The mudras channel the subtle pranic energies to particular subtle centers, or chakras (Mooladhaara, swadhishtaana, manipooraka, anaahatha, vishuddha and Ajna). This activates and energizes the chakras, which in turn transmit the energy to corresponding parts of the body. Energy radiating from the chakras churns the...

Nadi Shuddhi Vyayama

His Holiness Sri Swamiji has structured the exercises in a manner to not only for the elite, elderly, youth, children but also to those who work under pressure. All exercises can be performed with ease in a short time and good results can be obtained. Normal exercises done in Gyms or otherwise will be beneficial as long as they are practiced,and the moment they are stopped, one tends to gain weight, and joint pains recur. But, these exercises wont have such side effects, when practised under the experience yoga teacher.

People practicing Nadi suddhi exercises should know ‘What Nadi is? ’ How do they function?’ ’How Nadis get polluted ? ‘ ‘what is meant by cleansing of nadi ?’ etc.

The word Nadi is derived from the Sanskrit word Nad,means flowing . As per “Bhoota Shuddhi Tantra” there are 72000 Nadis pervading the body. The nadis are subtle channels and pranic energy flows through them throughout the body. Kundalini energy flows in the form prana in the Nadis and...


Meditation is a practice where an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or for the mind to simply acknowledge its content without becoming identified with that content, or as an end in itself.

The term meditation refers to a broad variety of practices that includes techniques designed to promote relaxation, build internal energy or life force (qi, ki, prana, etc.) and develop compassion, love, patience, generosity and forgiveness. A particularly ambitious form of meditation aims at effortlessly sustained single-pointed concentration meant to enable its practitioner to enjoy an indestructible sense of well-being while engaging in any life activity.

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"Jaya guru datta. Participating in online live sessions has improved my overall health and energy levels. I look forward to it everyday. ….My pranams and best wishes for Datta Kriya Yoga team to continue their teachings. Humble Pranams to Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji for blessing us with Datta Kriya Yoga.” –BANGALORE

"I was suffering from many health issues. Once I started practicing Pranayama and asanas daily, I regained my health and I am
now stress free and happy! Thanks to Puyja Sri Swamiji and Datta Kriya Yoga ! Jaya Guru Datta!" - MYSORE

"Words cannot express some of my experiences. I have been practicing approximately 2 months. My body and mind feels relax, calmer and I feel silent within. My diet is automatically changing , my speech, tone of voice are changing. I feel very fortunate that my life is gradually transforming/transitioning along the right path with this teaching .Words cannot express how thankful I am to Sri Swamji and His DKY team. Many many thank you. Jaya Guru Datta.”-ISLE OF MAN

“My Sleep patterns have changed. Concentration enhanced. Body pains decreased and breathing has improved.” – TORONTO

“Daily practice of DKY is really rejuvenating. Mind, Body and Soul feel good and refreshing. Drives the energy to be active andn flexible. Live sessions have taught many new things & enabled me to practice daily.”- UAE

SGS Posts

Simple Good Sayings


Some Main Reasons to Practice Yoga

Balance Body, Mind & Spirit

Mind, Body, Spirit means that our well-being comes from not just our physical...

Eliminate toxins & Boosts Immunity

Different Asanas, Kriyas and pranayama remove toxins from body via sweat and gaseous...

Improves Respiration, Energy and Vitality

Asanas, Pranayama, Mudras etc., improve and strengthen the respiratory system and energize the vital-force energy...

Increase strength & flexibility

Yoga Asanas and Nadi Shuddhi Exercises, improve the flexibility...

Improves Concentration and Focus

Certain postures such as "Tree-Pose", pranayama, meditation etc., increase...

Build core strength

Certain Asanas, Pranayama and...

‘Think before you Talk’ - Control over the tongue (speech) leads to control over the thoughts and vice-versa. Further, practice of Pranayama (control over breath) leads to significant control over the flow of thoughts.
- Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji